How To Join

If you are a man that likes to sing and can “carry a tune”, then joining the Harbormen is simple.  First we ask that you attend three rehearsals.  At the start of your first visit, someone from the music team will determine your vocal range and help you select a voice part (tenor, lead, baritone or bass).  From the first rehearsal, we invite you to participate with the chorus next to others singing your voice part as we learn new music or review our current repertoire.  After three visits you may fill out an application and audition for membership.  Basically we want to be sure that you can sing on key and have an “ear” for singing harmony with a tone and quality that will blend well with the chorus. (The audition is often as informal as having a section leader standing next to you in a rehearsal).  Somewhere along the line, the director will work with you a few minutes to further insure you get into the right voice part.  Before you can sing in a performance you will be expected to have had your application accepted by the board and know the songs being sung from memory (we don’t use music in a performance). That's all there is to it!

Our regular rehearsal time is 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Monday evenings at Hope Lutheran church on Dare Rd, Selden, NY. You are welcome to drop in, but it's best to contact us ahead of time to confirm we are meeting that night and to let us know you'll be there. Send an email and we'll get back to you soon.

Already a member of the Harbormen? Log in to our member page for the chorus roster, calendar, and music tracks.